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How do I set up ONLINE ACCESS or E-DELIVERY to my account?

Setting Up Online Access:
Please contact our office directly to establish a userid and initiate the process.
Once your receive your password from Schwab you will be able to access all of your account by going to the Schwab Alliance website at


Setting Up E-Delivery:
Switching to online statements and trade confirms is as easy as logging into your online account and editing your delivery options under the “Service” tab under Account Settings. If you do not currently have online access or require our assistance with setting up e-delivery, please contat a memeber of our team directly.


How do I RESET my Schwab online password?

Schwab Siganture Alliance will be happy to assist you.

Call 800-515-2157

Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST


Why can’t I see one of my accounts in my online profile?

From your online Summary page:
Click – Service tab
Click – Account Settings
Click – Account Groups
Find the “missing account” and make sure the box under “Include In List” is checked.
Once checked, your account should show up under your profile.


What are steps I can take to protect myself from identity theft?

At AOWM’s “Losing Yourself:  Identity Theft in a Digital Age” seminar, David Husler, Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, gave a fantastic presentation on protecting your identity.  The following tools are a few strategies to safeguard you and your family.

Top 10 Immediate Action Steps


  1. Go to and order your 1st credit history.  Set yourself a reminder to repeat every 4 months (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion).

  2. Go to to place your telephone numbers on national do not call registry.

  3. Go to to opt out of pre-approved credit card offers for yourself and spouse.

  4. Go to to manage (reduce/eliminate) direct mail offers (catalog, magazine, and other merchant offers).

  5. Go to to place a 90 day “fraud alert” tag on your credit report.

  6. Call each of your credit card companies (# on back of card) and tell them to stop mailing convenience checks to you.

  7. Purchase a confetti-cut shredder, and use it regularly.

  8. Review/reconcile your bank and credit card statements.

  9. Avoid sweepstakes and other “sign-up” offers.

  10. Photocopy and/or compile detailed list of all purse/wallet contents.

Alpha Omega Wealth Management

7202 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23226


Office 804.955.1600 Toll-Free 866.877.6561 Fax 804.955.1616


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